Attached - book review

Attached - the new science of adult attachment and how it can help you find and keep love.

As the title implies, the book addresses adult relationships, focusing on the attachment styles that people acquire throughout their lives; those very attachment styles become evident and present themselves when dealing with your significant other. 

The book focuses on romantic relationships, because they're the relationships with the highest level of intimacy and proximity. However, in my humble opinion, the principles discussed in this book could and should be applied in any human relationship. 

On reading the book, some statement infuriated me, but it was merely because it was pointing to some scars or even unhealed wounds that was inflicted upon me growing up. So, one must remind themselves that healing and self-awareness are not for the faint of hearts.

In attached you'll learn:

1. What the attachment styles are
2. How each style develops
3. How attachment itself is of utmost importance to the human being, both in childhood and adulthood
4. How to recognize your attachment style
5. How to recognize the other person's attachment style
6. How to deal with a different attachment style from you, for the sake of your relationship to thrive
7. How to identify a hopeless situation early on so you can leave it gracefully, without wronging yourself or the other person.

What made me trust the knowledge provided in this book:

- It's all scientific and evidence based; besides the fact that the authors are doctors and researchers.
- The book offers some kind of a guide to you, in the form of questions to be answered and tables to be filled by you, so that you can apply what you learn instantly and keep using your guide whenever needed in the future. It's more of an active learning process rather than just passive flow of information through reading.
- Each and every concept or principle in this book is supported by real life stories of real life people and relationships.

I hope you give it ago, and I hope it changes your life and your relationships for the better as it did to mine. 


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